Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Best Dr Appt

We finally had a great dr appointment! It was a difficult 2 weeks worrying about Aliya not growing and wondering what they would do this time if she had continued not to grow.  I was not expecting good news because I have gained very little weight in the last month, no matter how much I'm trying to eat.  A possible delivery was one of the options the drs had thrown out there, which is definitely not ideal.   But in just 10 days, both of these girls had a huge growth spurt! Rianna is 2 lbs 4 oz and in the 63rd percentile for growth (big!) and Aliya is 2 lbs 2 oz and in the 48th percentile (almost right on target).  We were elated to hear this and the dr was amazed by their growth and didn't even know what to say! We're so lucky. 

We found out that Cheryl can be put on the birth certificate right away (some hospitals require gay people to leave it blank and then be amended after the adoption process, which may take about a year).  She will also be considered the other parent and will be able to see the babies whenever she wants in parent status.

The dr said that a final diagnosis for the baby will probably not be made until the baby is born and they can see better what is going on.  I can't believe that we are getting near to the end of this crazy journey.  I feel different the last few weeks.  Just getting very uncomfortable, sometimes in pain... it just feels like my body is changing very quickly all of a sudden.  Next up is the fetal echocardiogram on Jan. 3rd.  They will be able to take a better look at the heart and will start making a  plan for what they will do as soon as Aliya is born.  Jan. 4th is the growth scan and high-risk dr appt.  That will make sure the babies are still growing, doing well, and I'm not near labor.  Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, as we did.  =)

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