Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Growth scan on Jan. 24th

Basically the girls are 3 lbs 12 oz (Aliya) and 4 lbs (Avery).  Their weight has stagnated and they're below average but not where they have to deliver them or anything.  Their heartbeats are good. 
There was an issue w/ both of their placentas.  I guess the placentas are kind of "tough" where the blood isn't as flowing through as easily and there's high resistance in their umbilical arteries.  Normal is 3, theirs is 3.77, and they have to "do something" if it reaches 4.  Besides that, Aliya's other organs are formed and normal so that's good!

I am 33 weeks along today and not feeling that great.  It's just constantly uncomfortable or painful so I have to continually change positions, or I feel nauseous, or I'm having contractions, etc.  Always something! So I'm kinda cranky =/.  It's just about taking one day at a time right now.  I can't believe I will be full-term in just 3 weeks. Crazy. 

Neonatology consult tomorrow!

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